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Andrea Rexilius
The Obscene Cellist
Preface:The Obscene Cellist was invented in the year 2000 in a book arts course I took at Sonoma State University. The collage uses images from a 1970’s book on the Kama Sutra, the Dover Thrift book of women & men, diagrams of musical instruments, and Eadweard Muybridge cut-ups.
Andrea Rexilius’ publications include three books of poetry: New Organism: Essais (Letter Machine, 2014), Half of What They Carried Flew Away (Letter Machine, 2012), and To Be Human Is To Be A Conversation (Rescue Press, 2011), as well as the chapbooks, Séance (Coconut Books, 2014), and To Be Human (Horseless Press, 2010). She currently works as a Program Coordinator and Faculty Mentor for the Mile-High MFA in Creative Writing at Regis University. She also teaches poetry classes at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop.