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Tracy Dimond
We’re getting back to the land.
I heard on the news
French restaurants add dirt to entrees.
I remember feasts
of onion grass and clover.
I smelled a house
after it roasted in flames.
Bodies melting meld
to easily slide down the gullet
while I apologize for thinking
they are like liquid cheese.
If authenticity is the new snark,
I am poised to send thoughts
through my leg,
behind my back, and say:
at least I have reliable bones.
Tracy Dimond is co-curator at Ink Press Productions and the author of Sorry I Wrote So Many Sad Poems Today (Ink Press, 2013). Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Big Lucks, Shabby Doll House, Illuminati Girl Gang, ILK, Weave Magazine, and other places. She tweets about cheese at