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Thomas Patrick Levy
And the bricks when rubbed together make this awful sound. You know how I practice it like toothaches, you know how I slide under fences with my magic limbs. I rub the bricks together and make the sound of two plastic bricks rubbing together. You know how I yearn to reach. You know how I seem to always know just about how many more minutes there will be in our lives before the next time we walk together in the dark beside an apartment complex. You know the name. Its face is so beautiful. The name is a car crash. The car crash is a reason to come home and sing IT’S FINALLY THE LAST MOMENT OF THIS FUCKING GAME. And when I come home I wash splinters and motorcycle shavings from my wrists, I wash everything, I wash you with a shell made to make your belly happy. Made to make your happy so very happy. Really I make this smile face for you alone. I keep it on the bookshelves. I say SMILE OH WON'T YOU FUCKING SMILE.
And if you are safe then my heart is safe and if my heart is safe I think we should move out back and stay forever like roaches in the garage. You see the framework lined with webs. You see the carpet stained with oil. Sometimes you see it’s a perfect thing to lie down like power lines across the yard. You see I am tired of the lights, the cement of walls. You see in the night the trees come down as well and for weeks I will write nothing of your heart. I say THIS THING DOES NOT MATTER QUITE AS MUCH AS OTHER THINGS. I also listen and say THESE THINGS ARE COMING ACROSS THE YARD SO QUICKLY THEY MAKE A HARD SOUND THROUGH THE AIR. If it wakes you there is a problem. If it wakes you I will put your things in order. You see this is not a test. You want to say OH MY HEART. You want to say I AM GOING QUICKLY TO THE SAFEST PLACE AROUND and instead you make the sound of a dark brick falling out of place.
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