Ghost Proposal is a journal and press founded in 2012. We publish work that transcends or sits outside of traditional notions of genre.
Ghost Proposal commits to the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). Details here. Relatedly, we are distributing free protest signs. Learn more or request a batch here.
Our archive of past issues can be found here.
Nora Claire Miller is a poet + multi-disciplinary aritst. Their work has recently appeared in The Paris Review, Chicago Review, and Bennington Review. Their first book Groceries was the winner of the 2024 Fonograf/PNCA open genre prize, judged by Srikanth Reddy, and will be published with Fonograf Editions in 2025.
Kelly Clare is an artist and writer and the author of the chapbook NEARLY EARLY ARTLY NEVER (Greying Ghost, 2023). She received an MFA in Sculpture from the University of Iowa. Her visual and literary work appears in FENCE, Second Factory, Tagvverk, New Delta Review, and Prelude. She was a resident at the Vermont Studio Center in 2019.
Alyssa Moore is a poet and visual artist with degrees from Harvard and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Bennington Review, Boston Review, Hyperallergic, Tagvverk, and Futurepoem's futurefeed.
Past Masthead
Naomi Washer, Co-Founding Editor/Editor-in-Chief (2012–2022)
Patrick Thornton, Managing Editor (2016–2022)
Zachary Zalman Green, Co-Founding Editor (2012–2013)
Email us at ghostproposal [at] gmail [dot] com.